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Why Agile Isn't Project Management: Embracing the Agile Mindset

Written by Beth Outz | Oct 27, 2023 4:00:00 AM

In the world of business and project management, the term "Agile" has become a buzzword. While Agile methodologies have gained tremendous popularity in recent years, it's essential to recognize that Agile isn't merely a flavor of project management; it's an entirely different mindset and approach to work. In this blog, we'll explore why Agile isn't project management and why understanding this distinction is crucial for organizations aiming to thrive in today's fast-paced, ever-changing environment.


Iterative vs. Linear

One of the fundamental differences between Agile and traditional project management lies in their approaches to work. Traditional project management, often characterized by the Waterfall model, follows a linear, step-by-step process. Tasks are predefined, and the project progresses through fixed phases.


Agile, on the other hand, is inherently iterative. It values flexibility and embraces change. Typically, Agile teams work in short, time-boxed cycles (also known as sprints) and continuously reassess and adjust their priorities based on feedback. This iterative nature allows Agile to respond rapidly to changing requirements and customer needs, a feature notably absent in traditional project management. To help understand this concept more, check out Project Brilliant CEO, Aaron Kopel, Business Agility video series.


Customer-Centricity vs. Specification-Centricity

In traditional project management, the emphasis is often placed on adhering to predefined specifications and delivering a product or project that aligns with those specifications. Customer feedback may be solicited at the beginning and the end of the project, but changes are often costly and difficult to implement once the project is underway. In fact, the average traditional waterfall project timeframe is 6 months to 2 years. With this type of timeframe, feedback is typically given very late in the project given the expectations for our fast-paced and competitive world.


Agile, conversely, places the customer at the center of everything. Agile teams seek continuous feedback from customers and stakeholders throughout the project. This customer-centric approach ensures that the final product meets actual user needs and expectations. It values individuals and interactions over processes and tools, as the Agile Manifesto states.


Adaptability vs. Predictability

Traditional project management works well in stable environments when there is little complexity and there are no external factors. However, the world is complex and trying to control it is like trying to hold water in your palm. 


Agile embraces adaptability. It acknowledges that the world is unpredictable and that change is constant. Agile teams embrace the true sense of agility; they can pivot, adjust, and innovate in response to new information or shifting priorities. This adaptability enables businesses to stay competitive and responsive to market changes.


Collaboration vs. Hierarchy

Another crucial difference between Agile and traditional project management is the approach to teamwork and collaboration. Traditional project management often operates within a hierarchical structure, with a project manager at the top responsible for decision-making and task allocation.


In Agile, the emphasis is on collaboration and self-organizing teams. Team members work together to set priorities, make decisions, and deliver value. This promotes a sense of ownership and responsibility among team members, leading to higher engagement and creativity.




In a rapidly changing world where customer needs evolve, and market dynamics shift quickly, the Agile mindset has become a necessity for businesses. Agile isn't just a project management methodology; it's a paradigm shift in how we approach work, prioritize value, and adapt to change. Understanding this distinction is crucial for organizations seeking to thrive in today's dynamic and competitive landscape. By embracing the Agile mindset, organizations can become more customer-centric, adaptable, and responsive, ultimately driving innovation and success in a fast-paced world.